How much do logistic delays affects logistics

How much do logistic delays affects logistics

Based on a research of Sea- Intellingence, quoted by the online daily  TrasportoEuropa, the delays in maritime transport of container have undergone a huge resugence.
If before Covid-19 pandemic related to the 20% of the transported materials on Ocenaic routes, in the last months this percentage has reached the 70%.

By a calculation of the number of TEU (standard measure lenght, equal to 20 feet) for the days lost due to the delays in the arrivals,we have gone from a pre-pandemic volume of 8 teu million/each month, up to a peak of 70 millions of Teuin the month of January 2022, to decrease in march at 57millions. This data is a sort of “Inventory” of the stocked material for a whole month. According to this parameter, before the pandemic it  counted alltogether 260 thousand teu,while today it is 1.8 millions of TEU
