On line the webinar “Plastic, Bioplastic, Ri-plastic or No-plastic”

On line the webinar “Plastic, Bioplastic, Ri-plastic or No-plastic”

The webinar Plastic, Bioplastic, Ri-plastic or No-plastic is arranged by cCNR and coordinated by the project bioplastic Europe and biovoices. The goal is to discuss the different possibilities to apply sustainable solutions involving the use of plastic to lead the transaction towards a more sustainable production. The debate will focus on 4 ways: prevention/reduction of plastic material(fossils or bio-based), recicling/re-use of fossil plastic material, composting of bio-based plastic. link to follow the webinar from the platform:

Source: https://www.futura-strillaie.it/plastica-bioplastica-riplastica-o-noplastica/