Degree Award TMP

Degree Award TMP

The Italian Association of Plastic Material Technicians announces an award for three Degrees dissertation devoted, in a direct and explicit way, to develop and deepen themes related to this area. Object of the dissertations might be issues related to: development of new polimeric materials; development of manufacturing processes in the area of the transformation of plastic material; application of plastic material in innovative sectors and innovation in exixting sectors; metodology of polimers and products characterization.
The tematic areas might change from the synthesis of the polymers, the design of new application, the recycling of end of life products and to the sustainability/circularity of the supply chain.
To the award might partecipate all graduate that have achieved the title at italian Universities with a minimum vote of 100/110 or 90/100 in year 2019, within the notice expiration. The whole prize pool is € 5.000,00 divided in a first prize of € 3.000, a second prize of € 1.500 and a third prize of € 500. The documentation has to be sent by mail at the latest within January the 31st 2020. For information and registration: Tel. 0239090360 TMP@TECNICHENUOVE.COM
